
Pneumologische Nachrichten - Zuhause ist es doch am schönsten

Rehabilitation Wohnortnah, ambulant oder stationär?

Pneumologische Nachrichten – Zuhause ist es doch am schönsten

A Case of De Novo Positional Complex Sleep Apnea Syndrome (CompSAS)

Vorankündigung Special Issue: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases (COPD): Diagnosis, Treatment and Rehabilitation

Journal of Clinical Medicine hat PD Dr. med. Marc Spielmanns als Guest Editor für ein Special Issue mit dem Titel “Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases (COPD): Diagnosis, Treatment and Rehabilitation” ernannt.

Beratungen in der Onko-Reha

Using a smartphone application maintains physical activity following pulmonary rehabilitation in patients with COPD: a randomised controlled trial

Clinical and Functional Predictors of Response to a Comprehensive Pulmonary Rehabilitation in Severe Post-COVID-19 Patients

Background: Pulmonary rehabilitation (PR) following severe and very severe COVID-19
infection is known to be effective, according to typical assessments. However, not all patients benefit
from PR to the same extent. This analysis aimed to identify the impact of different factors on PR
outcomes in post-COVID-19 patients. Methods: This prospective observational study included 184
post-COVID-19 patients. The achievement of the predicted reference walking distance (6 min walking
distance (6-MWD)) served as a parameter with which to identify responders and non-responders
to PR. Several parameters (e.g., Functional Independent Measurement (FIM); pulmonary function
testing (Forced Vital Capacity, FVC); 6MWD) were assessed in order to estimate their impact on PR
success. Logistic regression models and classification and regression trees were used for multivariate
analysis. Results: A total of 94 patients (51%) reached their reference 6MWD by the end of PR. FVC
(0.95 (0.93–0.97)), 6MWD at admission (0.99 (0.99–1.00)), and FIM motoric (0.96 (0.93–0.99)) correlated
with the risk not reaching the reference distance. The most important variable was the 6MWD
at admission. Classification and regression tree identified 6MWD 130 m at admission and FVC
predicted of >83% as the strongest predictor for reaching predicted 6-MWD. Conclusion: Post-COVID-
19 patients with lower 6MWD, lower motoric FIM scores and lower FVC at admission have a high
risk of not reaching their target values of physical performance despite intensive rehabilitation. As
well as identifying them, it is of utmost importance to develop optimal PR concepts for these patients.

Longitudinal smartphone-based post-hospitalisation symptom monitoring in SARS-CoV-2 associated respiratory failure

We aimed to longitudinally monitor the recovery in breathlessness, symptom burden, health-related quality-of-life, and mental health status in individuals hospitalised due to SARS-CoV-2 associated respiratory failure.

Pneumologische Rehabilitation bei ILD


Impact of a smartphone application (KAIA COPD app) in combination with Activity Monitoring as a maintenance prOgram following Pulmnoary Rehabilitation in COPD: the protocol for the AMOPUR Study, an international, multicenter, parallel group, randomized, controlled study

Wie gewonnen, so zerronnen?

Aktuelle Strategien zum Erhalt der Effekte einer pneumologischen Reha bei COPD-Patienten

Frische Luft für geschwächte Lungen

Die pneumologische Rehabilitation in der Schweiz 2019

Does an undetected obstructive sleep apnea influence the natural course and success of cardiac rehabilitation after cardiac surgery?

Erfahrungen mit digitalen Programmen zur Therapieunterstützung von Patientinnen und Patienten mit Asthma bronchiale und COPD

Inhalation Therapy with Nebulized Capsaicin in a Patient with Oropharyngeal Dysphagia Post Stroke